Silent Heart Attack Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
One of the silent heart attack symptoms in both men and women is a relatively persistent pain in the abdomen, running somewhere under the ribcage.
This particular silent heart attack symptom would plague a woman more than a man, manifesting as what would feel like a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.
Some people will experience the silent symptom of nausea while suffering from a heart attack. The nausea may be so severe that causes vomiting.
Some women who are suffering from a heart attack may experience a clamminess to their skin.
Since the heart is under distress when experiencing a heart attack, some people will become extremely fatigued or exhausted.
Another common silent symptom of a heart attack is an almost overwhelming sensation of dizziness or light-headedness. Sometimes, it will cause the person to faint.
Instead of the obvious shooting pain that is common during a heart attack, some people will only feel a dull pressure running down the middle of their chest.