How to Prevent Clogged Arteries
Things You'll Need
- healthy diet
- supplements
- exercise
- friends
- dental floss
Foods which are high in flavonoids, such as grapes, berries, apples, onions, red wine, etc help to reduce cholesterol and plaque build up in the arteries. Use moderation with red wine, no more than one five ounce glass per day.
Reduce stress and regularly talk to a pyschotherapist or health counselor. Studies show that heart patients who improved their diets and exercise programs and had once a week sessions with a health professional had greater progress than those who underwent heart surgery.
Talk to your doctor about chelation therapy to improve clogged arteries. Some alternative practitioners belive that detoxification can reduce required medication dosages and benefit heart disease.
Pectin from grapefruits, apples, oranges and carrots can help lower cholesterol levels. Talk to your doctor about pectin supplements, such as ProFibe which can reduce artherosclerosis. Grapefruit can reduce effectiveness of certain medications to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before adding any supplements. Other natural supplements such as Cholestrinol have been proven to reduce cholesterol. See resources below to buy ChoLESSstrinol and ProFibe.
Floss your teeth every day and see your dentist regularly to prevent the bacteria gingivitis which is linked to heart attack and clogged arteries.
Garlic has been found to reduce cholesterol levels, take four or five cloves per day or talk to your doctor about a garlic supplement.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega 3's all have positive effects on cholesterol and overall health. Make sure you get plenty into your diet every day to prevent clogged arteries.
Grape juice has been shown in studies to reduce blood clotting. Look for 100% grape juice without added sugars.
Keep stress under control and create a stress reduction plan. Take at least ten deep breaths every day, in the morning when you wake up and again at night before you go to sleep. Regularly schedule activities that destress you.
Exercise for at least thirty minutes every day to exercise the heart muscle. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program.
Add dandelions into your diet. They reduce cholesterol and have many health benefits. Dry the greens in the oven and make your own tea, or boil lightly and eat with olive oil for a healthy salad.