How to Tell if Someone is Having a Heart Attack
Look for chest pain. This pain could feel like either pressure or squeezing that emanates from the center of the chest. It could be constant and last for more than a few minutes, or it could start and stop over a period of time.
Look for discomfort around the rest of the body. A heart attack many times can also include shooting pains through the rest of the body. Most times this pain starts from the center of the chest and goes down the arms from up the neck and jawline. Pain and discomfort can also be felt in the stomach, face and back. The most common belief is that pain will shoot down one specific arm, but in all reality a heart attack victim can experience shooting pain through both arms as well as through the rest of his body.
Check the person's breathing. If the pain is accompanied by shortness of breath or a hard time catching breath, this could also be a beginning sign of a heart attack. A heart attack could still be happening even if the shortness of breath is not accompanied by chest pain.
Check for stomach sickness. Many times a heart attack victim's pain will also be accompanied by nausea or an upset stomach.
Check for other symptoms. A heart attack can also be associated with cold sweats, lightheaded feeling, collapsing, blackouts and even unconsciousness.