How to Identify a Heart Attack
Know the symptoms of a heart attack and do not ignore them if you experience them. Silent heart attacks occur and the person may feel better after the symptoms subside. Medical treatment is still required however.
Check for pain in the chest area. Determine if you feel as if your chest is being squeezed or pressed tightly. If the pain subsides then comes back, do not ignore these symptoms. This could be a heart attack and you should seek medical attention promptly.
Determine if there is shortness of breath. This may occur either before or during chest pains. Shortness of breath upon resting is a sign of a heart attack.
Look for pain in other areas of the body besides the chest. Sometimes sudden heart attacks exhibit pain in the arms, shoulders, back and jaw. If this type of pain comes on suddenly, it might be a heart attack. There is no time to play guessing games, so call 911.
Determine if there is fatigue, weakness, nausea and clammy skin. These symptoms often occur with the other signs of a heart attack and should not be ignored.