How to Identify Ventricular Fibrillation
Understand what happens within the heart to cause ventricular fibrillation to happen. Several areas of the heart's ventricles try to control the heart's rhythm. When this happens, the heart responds with chaotic beats and a very fast pace, which is detrimental to the heart's ability to pump blood throughout the body.
Know that heart disease is one of the leading causes of VF. In addition to this, ventricular tachycardia can be behind the condition as well, especially if the condition has gone on for some time. This condition is an irregular, fast heart beat that is hard to control by doctors.
Notice when the ventricles fibrillate, or contract, and the way in which they do so. In ventricular fibrillation, the ventricles can not pump enough blood through the heart and the pumping of blood usually stopped. Noticing this reaction by the heart is the only way to survive the onslaught and usually must be treated through immediate shock to stabilize the heart's pumping.
Determine if the individual has a normal heart rhythm. This should be a normal paced rhythm which can range between 60 and 100 beats per minute. A person that is experiencing cardiac arrest with an irregular heart beat may be suffering from ventricular fibrillation. Should this be occurring, call 911 where they may instruct you to use electric stimulation if available to rectify the heart's beating pattern.
Identify any warning signs that could be present including heart disease, irregular heartbeats, or a history of heart problems. Sudden cardiac arrest is likely when ventricular fibrillation happens, which includes intense chest pain, inability to breathe, and loss of consciousness. Many of the normal symptoms of a heart attack may not be present due to the sudden and intense onslaught of VF.