How to Recover from a Heart Attack
Things You'll Need
- Medication
- Proper diet and exercise
Heart Attack Survivor Recovery
Anti-platelet medication will be given to the heart attack survivor to prevent blood clots from forming in the arteries. Anti-coagulant medication, such as Coumadin, will be given to keep the blood from becoming thick and forming blood clots in the arteries. Clot dissolving medication is given to break up blood clots if present. This treatment is standard to aid the patient's recovery.
Reperfusion is a process where the blocked artery is opened; when this happens the patient's pain subsides and further damage to the heart muscle ends. Reperfusion, if given early in the heart attack preserves the functionality of the heart.
Supplemental oxygen is given to aid the oxygen supply to the heart muscle. Medication is given to restore normal heart rhythm and prevent another attack. Medications will be be given to decrease the need for oxygen by the heart's muscle. Victims who have experienced delay in receiving reperfusion may suffer irreparable damage to their heart muscles and may be at risk for heart failure.
Diet and exercise will be introduced as part of the patient's overall recovery regime, which includes weight loss counseling, and being given a diet sheet to follow on discharge from the medical facility and counseling by the hospital dietitian which may mean restrictions on certain foods, sodium, and other restrictions such as keeping to a reduced fat diet.