How to Use a Home Defibrillator
Learn How to Use a Home Defibrillator
Enroll yourself and your family members in a course to learn how to properly use a home defibrillator. Your local community college may offer such a course, or your local ambulance station, firehouse or hospital can locate a class for you.
Read the instruction manual provided with your home defibrillator thoroughly, and view the demonstration video included.
Arrange to meet with your doctor so that you and other family members can demonstrate that you know how to use the home defibrillator correctly.
Expect the home defibrillator to guide you during its use. It comes equipped with step-by-step voice directions that will tell you how to check the person's pulse, breathing and how and where to place the electrode pads on the chest.
Know that the home defibrillator will next automatically check the person's heart rate and will alert you if a shock is needed. If it is, you will be instructed to clear yourself and others away from the path of the voltage and then to push a button to deliver the shock.
Be prepared to perform CPR since not all types of cardiac events require an electric shock. If this becomes necessary, the voice activated home defibrillator will guide you through this process as well.
Continue working on the patient until an emergency crew can take over.