How to Upgrade a Philips HeartStart AED
Enroll in the Philips HeartStart Support Program. According to the Philips website, enrolling in the program allows Philips, or the FDA, to send you important notifications about product upgrades. You can enroll online, call the Philips hot line or fill out the membership card included with your HeartStart automated electronic defibrillator.
Check the sticker on the bottom of your HeartStart AED and write down the manufacturer serial number and model description. HeartStart defibrillators come with a quick reference book, owner's manual and a warranty guidebook. The manufacturer serial number and model description can also be found within the first five pages of these guides.
Call the Philips hot line and ask to speak to a technical support specialist, because technicians are more familiar with the process of upgrading automated external defibrillators. Tell the technician the information you wrote down, including the serial number and model description for your AED. This information is very important, because Philips has several versions of the HeartStart AED, and each model requires different software.
Tell the technical support specialist you need to upgrade your HeartStart AED. Upgrades can be purchased for only a fraction of the cost of buying a new automated external defibrillator. Give the customer service technician your payment information and a shipping address where your upgraded AED can be shipped.
Keep your Philips HeartStart AED in an accessible location until your new upgraded AED arrives. When your new HeartStart defibrillator arrives, locate the card that has the address for sending your old AED back to the company. The AED Update Exchange card is often included with the other packaging materials.
Fill out the AED Update Exchange card, which will ask for the model number and serial number of the defibrillator. Copy the Philips AED return address onto a shipping label for mailing, and make sure to copy the company's address exactly as you have been instructed. Improper labeling may result in delayed shipping of the product.
Package your HeartStart AED in the original packaging, if possible. Place the AED Update Exchange card inside the box, in an easily accessible place, and ship the package to Philips as directed. Call the Philips hot line in approximately seven business days to confirm that the outdated Philips HeartStart AED was received.