How to Troubleshoot an HP Defibrillator
Attach the external and internal paddles if the monitor reads, "No paddles." Check to ensure that the leads are securely attached if the monitor reads, "No leads." Connect the unit to AC power if the message reads, "Low battery."
Close the recorder door and the paper roll if the monitor message reads, "Check recorder."
Verify that the Energy Select control settings are correct if the defibrillator does not charge. Turn the Energy Select control to the "OFF" (standby) position. Turn it back to the desired energy setting. Press, "CHARGE" again. If the defibrillator still will not charge, set the Energy Select control to "OFF." Use a standby defibrillator.
If the defibrillator does not deliver a shock, check to see that the unit is not in synchronized shock mode and that the "SYNC" light is on. If the unit beeps three times and displays the message "DEFIB DISARMED," verify that the connections are correct from the patient to the defibrillator. Check for any worn or cracked cables. Make sure the connections to the electrodes/paddle adapter are secure as well. Press "CHARGE" again and wait for the "Charge Done" indicators. Press the "Shock" button again. If the unit still fails to shock, turn the "Energy Select" control to the monitor "ON" or "OFF" (Standby) position and use a back up defibrillator.
Change the electrodes and make sure that the electrodes adapter cable is properly connected if you receive a message of "PACER FAILURE." Restart the pacer. If you receive the same message again, change to a backup pacer.