Home Remedy to Clean Plaque Out of Arteries

Plaque is a buildup of cholesterol that accumulates in your arteries from eating unhealthy foods that are high in saturated and trans fat. These fats contain low-density lipoproteins, also known as "bad" cholesterol, and over time reduces your arteries' ability to properly pump blood. If left untreated, plaque buildup can cause blood clots and can lead to a stroke or heart attack, according to the American Heart Association. The key to reducing plaque in your arteries without the use of medication is by restricting high-fat foods and increasing your consumption of healthy foods that help lower your LDL.
  1. Unhealthy Fats

    • Saturated fat is an unhealthy fat found in red meat, dairy products, cakes, desserts and processed foods. When consumed saturated fat contributes to an increase in your LDL levels, which over time causes plaque buildup. Trans fat is found in fatty, fried foods, baked goods and margarine. On food labels it is often labeled as "artially hydrogenated oils," according to the American Heart Association. Help your body clear out plaque by eliminating unhealthy foods in your diet, which exacerbates the problem

    Healthy Foods

    • Fruits, vegetables, fish and complex carbohydrates all contribute to lower LDL levels and an increase of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which helps remove bad cholesterol from the body. Oatbran and other whole-wheat grains are high in soluble fiber, which lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol absorption in your intestines, according to the Mayo Clinic. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish reduces cholesterol and prevents blood clots, which lowers your risk of heart disease. According to the American Heart Association you should have at least two servings of fish weekly. Fruit and vegetables contain an abundance of vitamins and nutrients, especially fiber. When consumed daily they help reduce blood pressure and help manage your weight.


    • Get at least 30 minutes of rigorous physical activity, as exercise helps lower your blood pressure and increase your HDL levels. Your HDL levels can increase by up to 5 percent within two months of regular exercise, according to the Mayo Clinic. Any activity that causes your heart rate to increase is considered healthy for your arteries, including gardening, aerobics, running or dancing. Physical activity helps oxygen reach your blood, which aids in preventing blood clots.

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