Zinc Therapy for Clogged Arteries
Clogged Arteries
The plaque found in clogged arteries consists of fat, calcium deposits, cellular waste, fibrin and cholesterol. As this plaque hardens, it prevents the arteries from circulating oxygen to the body. As more plaque builds up in your arteries, this can lead to additional substances that also contribute to blockage. As the plaque continues to develop, it creates a condition called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis causes the arteries to narrow and harden. As a result, this can lead to coronary artery disease (heart disease), carotid artery disease (stroke) and peripheral artery disease (legs and feet infections).
Zinc Therapy
Even though zinc can be found in many types of food, it also comes in tablets and multivitamins. According to the Natural News website, researchers discovered that zinc reduced old cholesterol blockage caused on arterial walls in rabbits. Based on these results, researchers found that zinc therapy could improve the immune system, help wounds to heal faster, and unclog plaque buildup on the arterial walls. Based on your level of clogged arteries, your doctor may perform several tests, such as a chest x-ray, an ultrasound, or a cholesterol screening. Based on these findings and your medical history, your doctor may suggest eating a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol and high in fruits and vegetables. Zinc supplements may also be suggested for people with severe zinc deficiencies, including vegetarians, alcohol abusers, and those with very poor diets.
Zinc Effects
Zinc supplements can irritate your mouth and stomach. For example, zinc lozenges may alter your sense of smell and taste after a few days of regular use. Over a long period of time, this could cause a permanent loss of smell, and may lower the levels of copper in the body. Zinc may also have adverse reactions with other medications. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, using zinc with blood pressure medications may decrease the levels of zinc in your blood. If someone is allergic to zinc or has HIV, zinc in his system can cause nausea, cholesterol changes, coughing, fever and a reduced immune system. In pregnant women, it could also injure the fetus.