The Effect of Menopause on Cholestrol
Cholesterol is a fatty lipid made by the body and found in the bloodstream. A slow buildup of cholesterol in the linings of the heart's arteries clogs the arteries, making it difficult for blood to flow. If thin arteries become completely clogged, it can shut off blood flow entirely. Clogged arteries can result in a lack of oxygen to the heart, signaling a heart attack, or lack of oxygen to the brain, resulting in a stroke.
Reduced Protection After Menopause
A woman's natural estrogen supply during the premenopausal years has a favorable effect on her cholesterol. Estrogen lines the blood vessels, safeguarding them from injuries. Estrogen levels change during and after menopause, and the change can worsen the effects of cholesterol.
Aging and Blood Lipids
Two key lipids in the blood are cholesterol and triglyceride. Studying blood lipid profiles of both younger and older women of the same weight proves a significant increase in both lipids in the women who where no longer producing progesterone.
Hormone Replacements
Hormone replacement improves lipoprotein absorption by the liver and multiples the formation of LDL receptors. Hormone replacement might be the key for postmenopausal women's cardiovascular health. The question has been raised as to whether hormone replacement should be undergone based on cardiovascular issues alone. If you are considering hormone replacement, discuss with your doctor the correct hormone replacement for your body.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
You cannot change the fact of getting older, but you can help your cholesterol levels by living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, eat a heart-healthy diet, be smoke-free and maintain or reduce to a healthy weight. These steps can improve your heart, be it pre- or postmenopausal.