How to Lower Blood Presure Without Meds
Increase your whole-grain servings. Whole-wheat bread and pasta along with oat bran and oatmeal lower your LDL levels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
Limit your sodium intake. According to the American Heart Association, you should consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium daily, and less than 1,300 if you are at high risk of developing heart disease. High sodium can be found in processed and canned foods and frozen foods.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Not only are they low in calories, fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and nutrients that help lower your cholesterol. Non-starchy vegetables should take up half of your plate for every meal, according to the American Diabetes Association. Most vegetables are non-starchy, except for corn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squash, peas and beans.
Switch to low-fat dairy. Whole milk dairy products contain high amounts of saturated fat, which contributes to high blood pressure.
Avoid using butter and margarine. Although they can make your food taste better, they are also big contributors to high blood pressure. Switch to olive, sunflower, safflower or peanut oil when cooking to reduce saturated fat.
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