What Is the Function of a Pacemaker?
Pacemakers can be permanent or temporary. Permanent pacemakers treat chronic heart problems, while temporary pacemakers are used for temporary emergencies caused by heart surgery, heart attacks or an overdose.
Permanent pacemakers are positioned underneath the skin of the chest or abdomen, while temporary pacemakers may be external.
Pacemakers treat arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythms, which include rhythms that are too slow, too fast or irregular. They work by emitting electrical impulses to help the heart beat regularly.
Pacemakers can monitor and track the rhythm of a heartbeat. Some pacemakers can also keep track of blood temperature and breathing rate and even alter your heart rate when your activity level changes.
Pacemakers can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with arrhythmia, such as fainting and fatigue.