What Type of Surgery is Needed for an Enlarged Heart?
High blood pressure and heart-valve disease can cause an enlarged heart. Enlarged heart can also be caused by weakness of the heart muscle, congenital heart defects or abnormal heartbeat.
Difficulty breathing, dizziness and abnormal heartbeat are symptoms of an enlarged heart. Fainting and chest pain may also be symptoms and should be checked out by a doctor immediately.
Risk Factors
You have a higher risk of developing an enlarged heart if you have high blood pressure or a family history of the condition, according to the Mayo Clinic. Congenital heart disease and blocked arteries may also put you at risk.
Valve Surgery
A problem with your heart's valves may be causing swelling in the heart. The narrow valve can be surgically replaced with an artificial valve or valve tissue from a pig or cow.
Heart transplant is the final option in cases of an enlarged heart. Donor hearts are scarce, so the wait for critically ill patients may be long, according to the Mayo Clinic.