Clip Technology for Mitral Valve Repair
About 50,000 mitral valve surgeries are done each year in the United States, and mitral valve leakage, or regurgitation, is a leading cause. (See References 2.) Clinicians are seeking alternatives to open-heart surgery for mitral valve repair. (See References 1.)
Clip technology is designed to limit the leakage, thereby improving blood flow and blood pressure through the mitral valve. (See References 1.)
A catheter is inserted through your groin and up into your heart. A very small metal clip passes into your heart through the catheter. (See References 1.)
Using an echocardiograph, your doctor carefully attaches the clip to the flaps of your mitral valve. The clip, which remains in place after the catheter is removed, limits leakage by keeping the flaps in place. (See References 1.)
Although most outcomes of clip technology for mitral valve repair have been positive in clinical trials, this is an evolving technology. Therefore, it's extremely important to maintain standard surgical options for patients who undergo this procedure, in case the clip method fails. (See References 2.)