Benign Chest Wall Pain Symptoms
Benign chest wall pain is associated with symptoms such as sudden sharp pains in the chest that show up shortly after performing strenuous activity, pain that passes within a few minutes to an hour and pain that can be pinpointed to a specific location. In most cases, young people who experience chest pain symptoms end up being diagnosed with benign chest wall pain.
Chest wall pain, or transitory chest wall pain, "is thought to be related to a momentary irritation of the pleura, a membrane that covers the lung and lines the chest wall," according to
Strenuous activity and "breathing incorrectly, such as breathing too fast, or overusing the chest muscles to breathe" can also cause benign chest wall pain, according to Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. A panic attack may also lead to chest pain, "most likely caused by muscle contractions in the chest wall," according to the Mayo Clinic.
In most cases of benign chest wall pain, people will lessen the amount of activity they do becasue they think this will make the pain worse. Decreasing activity can actually increase your chances of experiencing benign chest wall pain. "Physical activity can keep you healthy, and most people feel generally better when they are fit," according to Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.
Your doctor will ask you about your medical history and run tests to rule out serious causes of chest pain such as heart disease and heart attack. A thorough examination with no conclusive evidence of any heart and organ problems is often diagnosed as benign chest wall pain.
Benign chest wall pain typically goes away on its own without the use of medication. Medication, such as Tylenol or ibuprofen, may be used to reduce the pain. If pain is severe or is accompanied by nausea, weakness, fatigue or lightheadedness, consult your physician immediately.