Cardiac Surgery Complications
Bleeding is normal. It happens at almost all cardiac surgeries. Some bleeding even is expected after the surgery, depending on the procedure. Excessive bleeding, however, can be a life-threatening complication. Causes and treatment of excessive bleeding varies among patients and their specific conditions. If the patient is bleeding profusely, a follow-up surgery may be performed in order to repair the damaged blood vessels and put a halt to the bleeding.
Heart Attack and Stroke
Heart attacks are also likely to occur during cardiac surgeries. Such surgeries can quite be stressful for patients and as result, the heart will demand more oxygen and blood in order to function normally. When certain blood vessels and arteries are blocked, there can be a shortage in the oxygen and blood supply for the heart, damaging the heart muscles. If this continues for too long, the patient can suffer a heart attack.
Strokes are also on the list of possible risks and complications after cardiac surgery. A stroke refers to a condition in which brain function is impaired. This is usually caused by blood clots, and tearing or blockage of the blood vessels. Ruptures in the blood vessels block oxygen and blood supply to the brain, thus causing damage. Effects of a stroke include inability to speak, paralysis and even death.
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation refers to the irregular rhythm of the heart. This is usually caused by abnormal electrical signals in the heart, particularly in the atria's upper heart chambers. In some cases, cardiac surgery can cause or exacerbate atrial fibrillations. Signs of atrial fibrillation include a heart rate that is too rapid, and the sensation of a thumping heart.
Cardiac tamponade
Cardiac tamponade or pericardial tamponade is a very critical condition wherein fluid and blood fill up the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart. This causes the heart to compress and prevents it from functioning properly. Cardiac surgery, which causes stress to the heart and/or alters the way blood flows to the heart, can sometimes cause cardiac tamponade to occur.
Lung Problems
After some types of cardiac surgery, patients may suffer from lung problems. After an open heart surgery, patients may contract pneumonia (the inflammation and infection of the lungs caused by bacteria), excessive bleeding, accumulation of fluids and air in the chest area, all of which can lead to lung failure.
Those who suffer from lung illnesses prior to heart surgery are at greater risk of developing complications in the lungs. One response to lung failure is to use a breathing tube attached to a machine. Another option is tracheotomy, a surgical procedure that aims to create an opening on the windpipe through the neck, to assist the patient in breathing.