Medications for Heart Disease
Aspirin is used to prevent blood clots from forming and blocking the coronary arteries, which can cause heart attacks. This OTC drug is doctor-recommended both for patients with heart disease and for those who do not have it, as a preventative. Doctors usually prefer a lowered dosage, such as baby aspirin. Start a daily aspirin regiment only under the direction of your doctor.
Altace (Ramipril)
Altace (Ramipril) is a medication that is taken orally and belongs to a group called ACE inhibitors. This drug treats high blood pressure, which is a contributor to heart disease. Altace widens the blood vessels by causing them to relax and allow the blood to flow through without being as pressurized. This medication helps in preventing heart attacks and strokes. This drug is available by prescription only.
Lasix (Furosemide)
Lasix (Furosemide) is an oral medication often referred to as a "water pill." This drug is a diuretic, which works to increase the amount of urine production. It treats high blood pressure by ridding your body of excess water, which can add extra pressure on your veins and arteries. This can help prevent a heart attack or stroke. Lasix is a prescription-only drug and is often abused for the purpose of weight loss.
Plavix (Clopidogrel)
Plavix (Clopidogrel) is taken orally and is used in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes in persons with heart disease. This medication is commonly given after a recent heart attack or other heart condition. The drug works by preventing platelets from forming blood clots which could semi-block and even stop the flow of blood. This is an "anti platelet" medication that works to keep a smooth blood flow. It is used under prescription only. Do not take aspirin when using this drug unless you ask your doctor first.
Lipitor (Atorvastatin)
Lipitor (Atorvastatin) is an enzyme blocker oral medication. It is a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor commonly referred to as a "statin." This drug helps in lowering cholesterol and the fats called triglycerides in the blood. Cholesterol and fat can build up on the walls of your arteries, interfering with blood flow and causing a heart attack. A statin such as Lipitor is a commonly prescribed medication for the prevention of heart attacks.
Nitroglycerin is an oral medication. This drug is usually prescribed for people who have the heart condition known as coronary artery disease. It is commonly given to heart attack victims to be carried with them at all times in case of chest pain. This pill is placed under the tongue, where it quickly dissolves to stop the acute chest pain that can occur in heart patients. Some doctors prescribe the medication to be used before physical activities such as sex or exercise.