How to Reverse Artery Plaque
Stop smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. Tobacco contains nicotine, which can cause plaque to accumulate and constrict your arteries. Nicotine can also lower your blood's capability to hold oxygen and increase the risk of blood clot formation.
Reduce your levels of cholesterol if they are high. Eating foods that are low in fat as well as high in fiber will help. Nuts, apples, oat bran and beans will assist in lowering your cholesterol.
Do yoga exercises every day. Yoga can enhance your blood circulation, strengthen your heart and improve your capacity to do other physical exercises. Consult a qualified yoga instructor to learn about yoga exercises specific to preventing heart disease.
Add garlic to your diet every day. Garlic is a leading herb used by herbologists for the prevention and treatment of arterial plaque. Garlic includes the potent compound allicin, which prevents plaque from building up in your arteries. Add garlic to your dishes every day. You can also take a garlic supplement. The recommended dosage is one 500 mg tablet once daily.
Do high impact exercises daily. Getting enough exercise can prevent plaque from accumulating in your arteries by hastening your blood circulation. High impact exercises include aerobics, running and swimming. Exercise at least one hour every day.