Wrinkled Earlobes & Heart Disease
An article in the Dear Doctor Colum printed on health.uab.edu sites research performed by Dr. William Elliot in 1978. Dr. Elliot studied 108 people during an eight year period and found that an earlobe crease was an indicator of heart disease. The article further states that a follow-up study of 1,000 people admitted into medical service at a large hospital confirmed Dr. Elliot's previous research. Of 373 people with earlobe creases, 275 (74 percent) had coronary heart disease, while the remaining 98 (26 percent) with earlobe creases, did not. Although Dr. Elliot's study and the follow-up study did not give definitive proof of an earlobe crease and heart disease, it certainly suggests further investigation is needed and that a close watch should be done on those with an earlobe crease.
An earlobe crease is a diagonal line that begins where the earlobe attaches to the head. It then runs diagonally, backward, toward the lower edge of the earlobe. If you have an earlobe crease, it is obvious. An earlobe crease can occur in men or women.
Some physicians believe that the earlobe may well be the "window to the heart" and others believe it's nothing more than something that occurs for those who sleep on their sides or is a part of the natural aging, and therefore, wrinkle process. An article by Dr. W. Gifford Jones published on canadafreepress.com sites a study done by Dr. Renuka Diwan, assistant professor of dermatology at Johns Hopkins Medical School. In Dr. Renuka's study, he asked 234 men and women attending a dermatology clinic (all were over the age of 30) which side they slept on. He also questioned them about their heart disease history. His study suggested that there was a strong association between an earlobe crease and which side they slept on. Dr. Renuka further reported that those who slept on both sides had earlobe creases on both ears.
Because the correlation between an earlobe crease and heart disease is still debatable, some physicians believe it would be wise to use the earlobe crease as a possible indicator of heart disease. Continuing in the article written by Dr. Gifford Jones, there was a second follow up study done on Dr. Elliot's work. A study of 6,000 people who were entered into the medical services confirmed that 60 percent of those with an earlobe crease suffered from heart disease. This figure is high enough to suggest further studies are warranted.
Dr. Gifford Jones and Dr. Diwan suggest different reasons as to what causes earlobe creases. The earlobe is one of the softest and thinnest parts of the body, and it has small blood vessels called arterioles. Some researchers, Dr. Gifford Jones says, believe that degeneration of elastic tissue around the arterioles causes the crease. This is the same type of change associated with hardening of the arteries and could explain the correlation. Dr. Diwan suggests that the breakdown of the elastic tissue around the arterioles is nothing more than a part of the aging process and sleep positions.
Because the medical community remains divided on the correlation between earlobe crease to heart disease, it would appear to be beneficial to look in the mirror to see if you have an earlobe crease. As Dr. Gifford Jones points out, the percentages of having an earlobe crease and having heart disease do suggest that it would benefit both the patient and the medical community to remain diligent and to continue to study this phenomenon.