Diet for Stenosis of the Aorta
Salt Intake
The amount of salt people eat, whether in their food or on it, can cause additional problems for the their hearts, such as restricting the blood flow. As a dietary measure, those with aortic stenosis should follow a diet plan for salt that mirrors that of those with hypertension: 2g to 4g of sodium per day maximum. Table salt should be completely eliminated, but you can use other spices to give your food flavor.
When the heart doesn't work properly, it also affects the kidneys and their ability to get rid of both water and salt. The excess water gets in the tissues of the afflicted, which can cause swelling, a condition known as edema. Edema can affect a person's breathing. Because the severity of the stenosis and current kidney function play a role in how your body processes water, ask your doctor how much fluid you can have during the course of the day.
People with heart problems have to watch their diets above and beyond just salt intake. They should avoid foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol when possible. Substituting olive oil for vegetable oil is one way. Cutting back on processed foods, which are also high in salt, is another helpful tip. And eating lean proteins like skinless chicken, turkey and fish instead of pork and high-fat red meat will further reduce fat intake. You should limit your fat intake to no more than 20 percent of your diet, with saturated fats being no more than 7 percent of it.
Fiber is another excellent dietary choice for those with aortic stenosis. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can help fill your body with good vitamins and minerals while also taking the place of fats, carbohydrates and cholesterol-rich foods.