Deaths from Obesity & Heart Disease
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is a collective term referring to all diseases associated with the heart, veins or arteries including heart attacks and strokes. Every year more people die from cardiovascular disease than all forms of cancer combined. Cardiovascular disease may be prevented with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Diet and exercise in combination with medication and in some cases, surgery, are possible treatment options for cardiovascular disease.
When an individual's body mass index, or BMI, is greater than 30, he or she is considered obese. Obesity is a term used to describe excessive, unhealthy body weight. This differs from the term "overweight" which is used to describe individuals with a BMI greater than 25 but lower than 30 and "morbidly" obese which refers to individuals who have a BMI greater than 40 or are more than 100 lbs. overweight. Roughly 34 percent of adult Americans are considered overweight with an additional 31 percent qualifying as obese. Treatment for obesity includes weight reduction, usually through diet and exercise.
Relationship Between Obesity and Heart Disease
Medical professionals consider obesity a major risk factor for heart disease since obesity raises blood cholesterol levels, increases blood pressure levels and may induce or worsen diabetes. Obese individuals are also at risk for high cholesterol, diabetes, heart attacks, heart failure and hypertension, all of which are diseases and conditions that put individuals at risk for heart disease.
Obesity Related Dealth
Obesity claims the lives of approximately 400,000 Americans each year, or 16 percent of all deaths.
Heart Disease Related Death
Cardiovascular diseases accounted for 35.3 percent of all deaths in 2005 which equates to 864,480 lives or 1 of every 2.8 deaths.