Heart Blockage Treatment and Prognosis
One of the main ways to treat heart blockage, or coronary artery disease, is to insert a little balloon into the clogged section of the artery. Then the balloon is inflated to widen the artery and increase blood flow. Angioplasty alone sometimes isn't enough to take care of the heart blockage fully.
Stents often are used in combination with angioplasty to help hold the artery open after the balloon is removed. A stent is a tiny metal coil that's inserted at the point where the artery narrows. The stent keeps the artery from reverting to its closed state, a condition called restenosis. Stents can be put in either bare or with a coating of medication.
Proper treatment depends on the cause of the blockage. Surgical procedures such as angioplasty and stents are not always required. Sometimes changing your diet or lifestyle, or giving up habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking, can turn the tide and allow you to live a long and normal life. When surgical options are required, diet and lifestyle changes must be made in order to keep the healthy arteries healthy. Things that a doctor will advise you do include maintaining a healthy weight, watching your cholesterol intake, exercising on a regular basis and controlling pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.