What Amiodarone is Used for
Your doctor will prescribe 200 to 400 mg tablets, depending on your arrhythmia. Take Amiodarone with a meal. If you miss a dose, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Do not take a double dose of this medication. Because Amiodarone works best if there is a continued level in your bloodstream, take your medication at the same time each day to ensure that the drug remains effective and in your system.
Side Effects
Amiodarone can cause difficulty breathing and decreased lung function, shortness of breath. Seek emergency medical attention if you experience wheezing, coughing, chest pain, spitting up of blood, passing dark urine, stomach pain or jaundice as a result of taking Amiodarone. Inform your doctor immediately if you notice your heart racing or pounding, are lightheaded, or experience nausea or vomiting. There are a few potentially fatal complications as a result of taking Amiodarone, the most important being pulmonary toxicity.
Some drugs should not be taken in connection with taking Amiodarone. Tell your doctor if you're taking medication for depression, blood thinners, AIDS or HIV medications, indigestion medicine (such as Tagamet) or allergy medication (such as Claritin or Alavert). St. John's Wort should not be used while taking Amiodarone. Let your doctor know if you are taking medications for a heart condition, diabetes, seizure or high blood pressure. You should not take Amiodarone if you are currently taking narcotics or have a lung disease that requires pulmonary medications unless directed by your doctor. You should not take over-the-counter cough syrup while taking Amiodarone. Medications for high cholesterol should be closely monitored by your physician while you are taking Amiodarone.
Similar Medications
If you experience extreme side effects as a result of taking Amiodarone or are taking medications which may cause an interaction with Amiodarone, then your doctor may wish to try a similar medication, which may not cause the same side effects. If you're experiencing side effects as a result of Amidarone, ask your doctor about Flecainide or Dronedarone. Do not stop taking Amiodarone without your doctor's approval.
Using Amiodarone long term can possibly cause a skin discoloration, making the skin appear a bluish-gray color. This often goes away after stopping treatment of Amiodarone.