High Blood Presure Treatments
High blood pressure, or hypertension, can come with a variety of symptoms, or it can be asymptomatic. Asymptomatic hypertension can be very dangerous if left undetected and therefore blood pressure should be monitored regularly by a healthcare provider, especially if hypertension is a concern. Hypertension is frequently referred to as "the silent killer" because symptoms often go undetected. If you experience any symptoms, you should contact your physician to see if they are related to your blood pressure. Dizziness, headache, tinnitus, nausea or blurred vision can be telltale signs that something is wrong. Unfortunately, hypertension can go undetected for long periods of time, and you then become at risk for heart problems, including heart attack, heart failure or stroke. Pay attention to what your body may be trying to tell you and contact your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms.
A variety of things can cause hypertension; some can be avoided while others cannot. Age is often a factor, and elderly people are more likely to suffer from hypertension than those who are younger. African Americans are more likely to be affected by high blood pressure than are Caucasians. If you are male, you are more likely than a female to develop hypertension, especially as you age. Heredity can also play a part, and family history of hypertension may mean you are predisposed and should be more careful.
Medical Treatments
Your doctor may recommend a medical treatment for hypertension, and this often includes pharmaceutical drugs. Diuretics are used to take water away from the tissues around the heart. Beta blockers are used for heart rate reduction and subsequent pressure exerted on the heart. Vasodilators can open up the arteries so that the blood flows easier and the heart works less. If the problem is caused by a blocked artery, balloon dilation or a metal stent may be inserted to avoid complete blockage and subsequent hypertension.
Natural Treatments
Natural treatments for hypertension often fall under the category of lifestyle changes; they can be as effective as medical treatment and possibly more beneficial in the long run. Keeping sodium intake low, exercising regularly and keeping your weight in a healthy range are very effective in treating high blood pressure. It is important to stay away from amphetamines and caffeine, as they put more effort on your heart and can raise your blood pressure. Reducing stress can also help lower your blood pressure. This may mean completely removing certain stressors to learning how to work with those stressors and learning relaxation methods to deal with stressful life events better.