Side Effects of Heart Medication
One of the most common side effects of heart medication is fatigue. This can happen for a number of reasons. A large number of people experience fatigue from taking heart medication simply because it's a foreign substance and the body isn't used to it. It may take a few hours for fatigue to set in and usually a nap or letting some time go by can reduce the severity of the fatigue. Sometimes fatigue can dissipate as time goes on and the body gets used to the medication.
Many people also experience dizziness or vertigo as a side effect of heart medication. This can happen because heart medications usually decrease blood pressure, which can cause vertigo. Sometimes standing up a little slower than normal can help prevent these spells. Sometimes lowering the dosage of the heart medication can help as well.
Irregular Heartbeats
While it may seem counterproductive, heart medications can often trigger irregular heartbeats. This can be caused by too low of blood pressure, which can trigger the heart to beat extra or harder to compensate. These irregular beats are called palpitations and are typically harmless.
Low Sex Drive
Heart medication can lower a person's libido (or sexual drive). This is also a result of the new levels of fatigue a person typically encounters, but heart medication can also affect the brain's response to sexual stimulus as well as the body's desire for it.
High Potassium Levels
People taking heart medication are told to be careful about how much potassium they ingest. This is because heart medications can slow the absorption of potassium and it can back up in the body. Too much potassium can lead to further heart problems.