What is a Heart Palpatation?
The symptoms of heart palpitations are skipping heartbeats, a fluttering feeling in the chest, fast heartbeats and/or pounding heartbeats. These symptoms can occur when resting or exercising. The person may begin to have other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain or discomfort, dizziness, nausea, and/or fainting. A person who experiences any of the latter symptoms should see a physician immediately since they can also be signs of more serious conditions such as heart attacks.
Heart rates are controlled by an electrical signal in the heart. A normal heart rate can range from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Any heart rate that is above or below this level can be dangerous. There are two main types of heart palpitations: bradycardia- a very slow heart rate that is below 60 beats per minute and tachycardia - an unusually fast heart rate that is above 100 beats per minute.
To identify what type of heart palpitations you may have, your cardiologist may recommend that you wear a heart monitor (Holter Monitor). Heart monitors can be worn for periods of 24 hours to 30 days. You will be asked to push a button on the monitor when you are experiencing problems. This information is then transferred to a computer system where it is read and then is sent to a cardiologist for diagnosis. Your physician may also order tests such as an echocardiogram (used to identify problems with the heart muscle and valves) and electrocardiogram (records the heart's electrical signals).
Heart palpitations have many different causes. Some of these include stress, anxiety, emotional distress, caffeine, nicotine, prescribed medications such as asthma inhalers, illegal narcotics such as cocaine, hormonal changes, some over the counter medications such as cold or cough medicine and underlying medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or arrhythmia.
The effects of heart palpitations can lead to fainting spells, strokes, cardiac arrest, respiratory problems, heart failure and sudden death. Getting checked out by a physician if you are having any of the above symptoms can prevent these effects.
Unless you have a serious heart condition, you probably will not need treatment for the palpitations. However, if your physician has diagnosed you with a medical condition then you may need treatment that can include medications or surgical treatment.