Congestive Heart Failure Alternative Treatment
Nutritional Supplements
Magnesium is vital for sustaining normal heart rhythm. It is also important to supplement this mineral because commonly prescribed diuretics can cause the body to lose too much magnesium. Be sure to talk to your doctor before supplementing with this mineral and take as directed.
A study published in a 1997 edition of Progressive Cardiovascular Disease found that taking carnitine supplements can improve exercise capacity in people with congestive heart failure. Exercise is vital for maintaining heart health. Take 500 mm twice a day.
Studies on the effects of coenzyme Q10 have been mixed. Studies illustrating positive benefit, such as one published in a 2000 edition of The Annals of Internal Medicine, show that this supplement reduces edema (swelling) in the legs, improves breathing by lessening fluid build up in the lungs and can help people increase exercise capacity. Take 100 to 200 mm daily. Talk to your doctor about their opinion on this supplement before taking it.
If exercise is possible, take 5 g of creatine phosphate on an empty stomach every day. It increases the endurance capacity of the heart and the skeletal system. Creatine can also alleviate that "burn" that many people experience after exertion.
Vitamin B1(thiamine) is vital for heart health and many people with this condition may be deficient in this vitamin due to things like poor absorption of nutrients and taking diuretics. Have a doctor measure levels to see if supplementation is needed.
If swelling is an issue, the amino acid arginine contains substances that reduce it. Take as directed on the label.
Herbal Treatments
Hawthorn is one of the most extensively studied herbs for congestive heart failure. There are many studies that show benefit, such as one published in a 2003 edition of the American Journal of Medicine, as well as a study published in a 1994 edition of Phytomedicine. These studies concluded that this herb improves blood flow to the heart, reduces symptoms and increases the ability to exercise. Take 250 mm three times a day.
A study published in a 2001 edition of Cardiovascular Drug Review found that berberine is effective for dilating blood vessels. The study found that people who took the supplement for 8 weeks experienced improved heart function and increased their exercise time. Take 300 to 500 mm three times a day.
Aconite helps the heart increase output of blood flow and alleviates swelling and shortness of breath. Consult a knowledgeable health care professional about using this herb. Arjuna is an effective pain reliever and helps the heart build up stores of energy. Take 500 mm every 8 hours. Kudzu improves circulation near the heart muscle. Take 10 mm three times a day.