How to Prevent Hardening of the Arteries

Hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis is the accumulation and buildup of plaque in the walls of your arteries. This condition causes your arteries to become narrow and hard preventing vital oxygen to reach your internal organs. If left untreated, atherosclerosis can eventually lead to a stroke or heart attack. By employing all the preventive measure below, you can effectively avoid atherosclerosis.


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      Lose body fat. The first step to avoiding arterial hardening is to lose weight if you are overweight. Proper diet and exercise will help you maintain an ideal body weight and get rid of those extra pounds and help prevent the hardening of arteries.

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      Stop smoking and stay away from second-hand smoke. The nicotine in all tobacco products is cancerous and can harm your heart and arteries. Talk to your doctor about buying products that can help you quit smoking. Bring a surgical mask with you at all times, so you can wear it if you can't avoid entering areas where there is second-hand smoke.

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      Exercise on a daily basis. Exercise prevents hardening of arteries by increasing blood flow to help flush out plaque preventing them from accumulating in your arteries. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

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      Steer clear from foods rich in cholesterol. Junk foods such as hamburgers, french fries and dooughnuts are high in cholesterol. These foods can promote the buildup and accumulation of plaque in your arteries causing arterial hardening. Eat a heart healthy diet which includes fresh vegetables, whole grains and fruits.

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      Take dietary supplements that can lower your cholesterol levels. Garlic is one supplement that includes the potent compound allicin that acts by lowering your serum cholesterol levels while raising the good cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Garlic is also a natural anti-coagulant that lessens blood clots and plaque formation that contribute to strokes and other heart diseases. The recommended dosage is one 250 mg capsule twice daily.

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