How to Check for Heart Problems
Move your left arm up and note if there is any pain when you move it. A sign that you could have had a heart attack could be if you feel that pain spreading to your neck when you move your arm. Other symptoms to note include chest pain, weakness, dizziness and nausea. Sometimes there are not obvious signs when it comes to heart problems so always make sure to have an annual checkup with a doctor, especially if heart disease runs in your family.
See a doctor and one of the first tests that he will most likely perform is a typical physical exam. The doctor will also check your medical history to find a leading cause or if heart problems are hereditary in your family.
Have an electrocardiogram (EKG) performed, which will measure your heart's electrical activity. This test will make sure that your heart is pumping properly. Echocardiography is another test that may performed that studies the movement, size, and shape of your heart using sound waves.
Have a nuclear scan performed to find out how your heart muscles interact with the blood flow of your heart. To do a nuclear scan, radioactive material is injected into your vein and the doctor determines how much of the material was taken up by your heart muscle.
Have a coronary angiography test performed, which a thin tube is place via your artery from your arm to your heart to find out where blood flow is blocked or slowed down in your body. Fluid is shot through the tube and then an x-ray is taken to determine any blockage in the blood flow.