What Is Echocardiography?
The echocardiography utilizes a transducer, a device that generates sound waves, then bounces sound waves off your heart's structure and generates an image that is used by your doctor as a diagnostic tool. This is the type of technology that allows doctor's to see your unborn baby.
There are four types of echocardiography, transthuoracic, stress, transophogeal and fetal.
The transthoracic echocardiography is painless and non-invasive and bounces sound waves off your heart's structure. The stress echocardiography is part of a stress test and can detect coronary artery disease. The transesophogeal echocardiography checks the aorta and other hard-to-reach places in the heart. The fetal echocardiography looks at a fetus' heart.
The echocardiography allows your doctor to see the structures and functions of your heart in a painless and, for the most part, non-invasive way.
The transesophogeal test is invasive and is a tube attached to a transducer, sound wave generator, which is guide.