Can Alcohol Cause Heart Disease?
Heart disease is caused from a number of factors, including high blood pressure, smoking, heart defects, diabetes, drug use and excessive alcohol use. While not all factors can be controlled, some of them, such as the use of alcohol, can be modified to protect your heart.-
Moderate Consumption
Research has shown that moderate consumption of alcohol may be beneficial to the heart, as it lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol and inhibits blood clots.
What Is Moderate Consumption?
Moderate consumption of alcohol is considered to be 1 daily beverage for women and 2 daily beverages for men.
Excessive Consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption has been proven to cause heart disease. as alcohol passes through blood in the body's organs, including the heart.
What Is Excessive Consumption?
Excessive consumption of alcohol is considered to be 3 or more drinks daily for an extended period of time.
Discontinuing Use
Discontinuing use of alcohol in people who drink excessively can prevent heart disease or prevent further harm in people who have been diagnosed with heart disease.