Full List of Symptoms of Angina
Angina is accompanied by tightness in the chest, nausea, shortness of breath, chest pain, a squeezing sensation in the chest, anxiousness and sweating.
Angina in Men vs. Angina in Women
While angina in men is often described as a heavy weight accompanied by pain in the chest, women report feeling a stabbing sensation accompanied by abdominal pain.
Stable Angina
Stable angina is the most common form of angina. It is triggered by physical activity that raises the heart rate, or mental or emotional distress. It usually disappears after a few minutes and can be treated with medication.
Unstable Angina
Unstable angina can occur even at rest. It can happen unexpectedly and lasts up to 30 minutes. It is sometimes resistant to angina medication and can be the precursor to a heart attack.
Variant Angina
Variant angina most often occurs at rest. It produces severe pain but responds well to angina medication.
Chest pain can be as harmless as indigestion or as serious as a heart attack. It's important that you don't shrug off any chest pain you are having. Seek medical attention right away, especially if you have pain, tingling or numbness on the left side of your body.