Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks on the Heart
In panic attacks or periods of severe anxiety a person will often experience an irregular or fluttery heart beat. These irregular heart beats are called palpitations. They are a response to increased levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline.
Rapid Heart Rate
Heart rate will increase during panic and anxiety attacks. The rapid heart rate is due to the increase in adrenaline which is part of the fight-or-flight response. Excess adrenaline can weaken the heart.
Premature Contraction
Forceful heart beats during episodes of increased anxiety may feel as though the heart skipped a beat or as though it "turned over" in the chest. This type of heart beat is a premature contraction and can also happen in healthy individuals.
Control of Heart Beat Irregularities
The heart can function independently of hormones and the autonomic nervous system. Deep breathing can reduce heart rate quickly.
Additional Symptoms
In addition to heart symptoms, those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder may also experience gastrointestinal upset, headaches, breathing problems, an increased risk of obesity and allergic-related conditions like eczema and hives.
Medical researchers say that those who experience chronic anxiety may be at higher risk for heart attack than those who are healthy.