How to Obtain Care for Mitral Valve Prolapse

Mitral valve prolapse is a cardiac disorder caused by a deformity of the mitral valve, one of four valves in the heart that keeps the blood flowing in one direction. Located on the left side of the heart, defects in this valve may prevent it from closing properly, allowing blood to "backflow" and cause a murmur that sounds like a clicking when heard through a stethoscope.Both men and women suffer from mitral valve prolapse, though risks increase with a family history of the condition. Why the prolapse occurs is currently unknown, but many physicians believe it may be inherited, and that it is often noted as a result of other medical conditions or muscle disorders.Obtaining care for mitral valve prolapse helps prevent complications such as heart inflammation or stroke.


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      Pay attention to heart health. Obtain regular checkups that include listening to your heart sounds through the use of a stethoscope (an instrument for listening to internal body sounds). The most common sign of a mitral valve prolapse is the distinctive clicking sound the valve makes when it fails to close properly.

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      Understand that treatment for mitral valve prolapse will be determined by a physician. In many cases, "backflow" may be relatively minor and will not require treatment. At times, doctors will prescribe drugs to treat the condition, depending on specific symptoms, age and overall physical health.

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      Exercise on a daily basis, which often proves helpful for many individuals suffering from mitral valve prolapse. Always check with your doctor about exercise routines and about engaging in certain sports activities, as some will be off limits.

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      Know that dieting may be recommended for individuals who are overweight. This will help to reduce the strain on your heart and increase cardio strength and stamina.

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      Avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol in order to reduce the effects of such on your blood pressure and liver functions, which will provide benefits in care for mitral valve prolapse.

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