How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Cardiovascular Disease
Check for high blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure above 130/90 mm hg is an early sign of cardiovascular disease. It is not a disease in itself, but could be a sign that disease is developing. Many pharmacies have free blood-pressure stations to check your blood pressure. If you think you may have high blood pressure, visit a doctor.
Notice any symptoms of coronary heart disease including chest pain, fatigue and shortness of breath. CHD is one of the most common types of cardiovascular disease. Coronary heart disease is caused by narrowing of the arteries. The narrowed arteries restrict the flow of blood, forcing the heart to pump harder and increasing blood pressure.
Be on the lookout for sudden unexplained headache, numbness or weakness on one side of the body, confusion or difficulty speaking and vision problems. They are classic indications of cerebrovascular accident, or stroke. If you or someone you know experiences symptoms such as these, seek medical help immediately. Cerebrovascular disease is a problem with blood circulation in the brain, usually a clot or other blockage. When a blood vessel becomes completely blocked, a stroke occurs. In some cases, a blood vessel in the brain will burst, causing serious permanent damage or death.
Watch for pain in the calves when walking, especially if it is usually worst during exercise, and subsides with rest -- it could be a sign of peripheral arterial disease. PAD affects the arteries located in other areas of the body besides the heart and brain. It most commonly occurs in the legs, but can also occur in the arms or pelvis. Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease in the legs and other extremities include numbness or coldness of the toes as well as pain or cramps in the muscles. See your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms.
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