How to Identify Symptoms of Arrhythmia
Sensations of fluttering in the chest are a major symptom of an arrhythmia. This fluttering is felt by many as a sensation of skipping a beat, a sudden acceleration or deceleration of the heartbeat, and a noticeably irregular heartbeat. In mild cases, this sensation is sporadic and does not include other symptoms or sensations.
Many forms of arrhythmia, in addition to the above mentioned symptoms, may also cause a person to feel mild chest pains or even shortness of breath that may cause dizziness. Such symptoms should always be discussed with your doctor.
Feelings of weakness or faintness are also associated with an arrhythmia and should be taken seriously. Dizziness that occurs in change of position, such as when making a transition from sitting to standing or from lying down to rising, may indicate a more serious interruption in electrical impulses reaching the heart muscle.
Sensations of worry or anxiousness often accompany arrhythmia. Increased levels of stress or worry may cause symptoms to occur more frequently, and for longer duration.
Lack of symptoms of any kind make suspicion of an arrhythmia extremely difficult to diagnose. Individuals who notice anything 'off' of their normal feelings should always schedule a visit with a physician just to be on the safe side.