How to Recognize Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common disease of the heart muscle. This affects people of all ages (mostly people between the ages 20 - 60 years); and with men being more susceptible than women. It is characterized by the dilatation of heart chambers caused by a lot of factors such as alcoholism, poor nutrition, cocaine addiction, stress, viral infections, anemia, and coronary heart diseases.This condition affects the chambers of the heart, especially the left ventricle, where enlargement of heart muscle begins. Dilation of these chambers decreases the hearts' ability to pump blood. The heart muscle will then compensates for this, by pumping beyond its capacity, resulting to tissue damage. This weakens the heart and soon enough, it will fail. Following heart failure, are the occurences of symptoms for dilated cardiomyopathy, which are presented below.Things You'll Need
- Recognition of Symptoms
Symptoms to Recognize Dilated Cardiomyopathy
When there is shortness of breath upon exerting an effort or even at rest.
If extreme fatigue and overall weakness of the body takes place.
Fever occurs with chills and body aches.
When there is pain in the chest.
Neck veins appear distended.
Dizziness or lightheadedness is felt, which may lead to fainting.
Loss of appetite.
There will be swelling of the abdomen, legs, feet, and ankles.
Irregular pulse and abnormal heart rhythms (arryhthmias).