How to Recognize Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
Notice the lack of change in the myocardial development, which is an area of the heart. In most children, around week 8 the myocardial fibers change from being a sponge like consistency to becoming more compact. Prior to this, it is acceptable for the sponge-like appearance as it helps in the development of the heart, but after this point, it could become a severe condition.
Check for symptoms of noncompaction cardiomyopathy. The most common symptom of this situation is a poorly pumping heart. The heart will not pump enough blood out of it with each movement, or it may not pump in the correct manner. In either situation, it cannot work to the level of the body's requirement.
Monitor for additional symptoms that are sometimes present in individuals that are suffering from noncompaction cardiomyopathy. This includes breathlessness, swelling in the ankles or other regions of the body, increased fatigue, and limited ability to perform physical activities or to take on standard exercise.
Check for symptoms that happen throughout life. Some people with noncompaction cardiomyopathy do not present any symptoms at any time in their life. Most will present symptoms at some point, though it may not happen for several years. Some patients will suffer from severe heart failure from the onset.
Know that there are two conditions that seem to happen more often than others in individuals that suffer from noncompaction cardiomyopathy. This includes tachyarrhythmia, which could cause a sudden cardiac death. The other is clotting of the blood that is found in the heart (from the heart's inability to pump it out.)