How to Diagnose the Cause of Heart Pounding
Think about what you ate or drank. Heart palpitations can result from excess caffeine consumption, taking diet pills, nicotine usage or the use of cocaine or other stimulants.
Relax if you're under stress. Anxiety is a common cause of palpitations. If even small stress levels bring on a pounding heart, talk to your doctor about medications to alleviate anxiety disorders.
Ask your doctor to check for anemia. With iron-deficient blood, you can experience heart pounding. Your doctor may prescribe an iron supplement or talk to you about enriching your diet with iron-rich foods.
Monitor your exercise levels if you experience heart palpitations after you walk, run or workout. Exercise-induced palpitations may be harmless, or they may signify a chemical imbalance or other disorder. Call your doctor if they persist.
Schedule an appointment to see you physician if you experience a loss of consciousness in conjunction with a pounding heart. In addition, an irregular heartbeat that accompanies chest pain or numbness in your fingers is a sign that it could be an emergency.