How to Fast Before a Triglycerides Blood Test
Try to fast for a few hours. See how you'll react to the fast by missing one meal. If you're diabetic or pregnant, don't fast until you actually need to. Do this at least a week before you're scheduled to take the test.
Schedule the triglycerides blood draw for early in the day. This way you'll be sleeping during most of the fast and you'll be able to eat again soon after your blood sample has been taken.
Fast for 8 to 12 hours before getting your blood drawn, or follow our doctor's recommendations on the length of your fast.
Inform your doctor about the medications you're currently taking. Your doctor will let you know which medications, if any, you should continue to take during the fast.
Eat light the night before you begin the fast for the triglycerides blood draw. It might seem like you should eat a lot to make up for the time spent fasting, but eating a light meal slows down your digestive system gently. Also stay away from triglyceride-inducing foods like ice cream and other fatty foods.
Choose your first meal after the fast carefully. Just as you slowed down your digestive system gently before the fast, you need to speed up your digestive system slowly and gently as well following the triglycerides blood test. Make your first meal small and easily digestible.