How to Treat Heart Arrhythmias
Get evaluated by a regular doctor. A general physician can do a full examination to determine if there is reason for concern. Panic attacks often mimic the signs of an arrhythmia, and a general physician can rule this out.
See a specialist. Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in treating heart disorders. A cardiologist determines how to treat arrhythmias. There are several tests cardiologists use to determine the type and severity of arrhythmia.
Eliminate caffeine and other stimulants. Stimulants aggravate many types of arrhythmias. Other avoidable arrhythmia causes include over-the-counter and prescription medications, dietary and herbal supplements. Smoking also aggravates arrhythmias.
Determine if exercise is a problem. A stress test may be necessary to determine if the arrhythmia is caused by exercise. If so, certain types of exercise may not be permitted.
Take medication if necessary. Depending on the type and severity of the arrhythmia, medication may be necessary to treat it. There are several types of anti-arrhythmic drugs available to treat abnormal heart beats.
Evaluate if surgery is necessary. For example, a pacemaker or defibrillator may have to be installed. Also, ablation is used to treat problem tissue in the heart by using energy to inactivate the tissue. This is effective when there are multiple pacemakers, or tissue that signals the heart to beat, within the heart.