How to Use Diet to Treat Heart Disease
Use Diet to Treat Heart Disease at Home
Learn which foods are heart healthy and which foods to avoid. Some foods provide many benefits for those suffering from heart disease while others should be avoided at all costs. Get heart smart by reading up on the latest in heart disease news and research from the professionals at WebMD (see Resources below).
Eat lots of vegetables. Three to five servings of vegetables every single day is a good amount. Vegetables are an ideal food for use in treating heart disease because most are naturally low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber. Vegetables also provide many of the essential minerals and vitamins that every healthy heart requires.
Eat plenty of fruit. Like vegetables, fruits provide many of the things your heart needs and are typically low fat. A heart healthy diet is one that includes three to five servings of fruit every day. Some fruits can, however, contain a lot of sugar so it's good to make sure you're eating the right fruits.
Don't cut out dairy. Dairy foods are a great source of protein and important vitamins. Instead, make smart choices for dairy foods. Your dairy foods should be low fat or non-fat. Buy 1 or 2 percent cottage cheese instead of 4 percent, for example.
Eat meat sparingly. Meat does contain important minerals, iron, vitamins and protein, but you do not need as much meat as you think.
Avoid red meat. If you do, make sure that it is very lean beef. Instead of red meat or organ meats, stick with skinless turkey or chicken. Fish is also a good meat to use to treat heart disease as long as it is low in sodium.
Stay clear of "white" foods. This includes white rice, white bread and pasta. These foods cause a very short-term spike in blood sugar levels. Your blood sugar rockets up, then quickly crashes, causing you to feel hungry again sooner. Eat whole grain and wheat alternatives instead. This is especially true for diabetics.
Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine. You should drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water every day and you should stay away from coffee, caffeinated tea and soda which are all stimulants and cause your heart rate to increase.