How to Reverse the Effects of Heart Disease
Things You'll Need
- Exercise clothes
- Doctor
Reverse the Effects of Heart Disease With Diet and Exercise
Know that in order to reverse the effects of heart disease, you need to catch it early.
Have regular physical exams and check ups by your doctor. Heart disease is America's number-one health problem and no one is immune from it.
Realize that there is debate on whether or not the effects of heart disease can actually be reversed. Focus on preventing heart disease rather than on reversing it.
Include heart healthy foods in your daily diet. According to the latest research and presented on WebMD, foods like salmon, spinach, blueberries and even chocolate occasionally can help keep your heart strong and in good health (see Resources below).
Exercise regularly. Your heart needs to be strengthened just like any other muscle. Regular cardiovascular exercise is the best way to keep your heart in good shape. Boost your heart rate up to its target zone, 60 to 80 percent of its max, and maintain that level for 30 to 60 minutes. Do this three to five times per week and you're well on your way to a healthy heart.
Manage stress and make sure to take time to relax. Stress is a major contributing factor to heart disease so its critical that you manage the levels of stress and anxiety in your life. Meditate, do yoga, take a walk or listen to relaxing music whenever possible. Combined with diet and exercise, stress reduction is the best thing you can do for your heart and overall health and well being.
Avoid saturated fats, cholesterol and sugar. These are a triple threat to your heart and should be avoided or at most used sparingly. Stay away from candy, oil and baked sweets.