What Heart Palpitations?
Heart palpitations are the sensation caused by an unusually fast, slow or irregular heart rate.
Individuals may experience the following in the case of heart palpitations:
1. Sensation of Skipped Beats:
They may feel like the heart skips or misses a beat.
2. Fluttering/Pounding:
Heart palpitations may lead to a feeling of rapid or fluttering sensation in the chest.
3. Increased Awareness:
Individuals may feel their heart beating faster or with more force than typical.
4. Dizziness:
Heart palpitations can cause momentary lightheadedness or dizziness.
5. Discomfort or Pain:
Uncomfortable sensations, tightness or pain in the chest may accompany palpitations.
6. Anxiety or Nervousness:
Heart palpitations may trigger anxiety or a sense of nervousness.
7. Shortness of Breath:
Palpitations can sometimes lead to feelings of shortness of breath.
When to Seek Medical Attention:
Most palpitations are not a reason for major concern. However, seek immediate medical attention if:
- Palpitations occur frequently or persist for an extended time.
- They are associated with chest pain or discomfort.
- They cause fainting, lightheadedness or shortness of breath.
- You have an underlying heart condition or you're taking medications for a known condition.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause. It may involve lifestyle modifications, medications, medical procedures, or a combination of these approaches. Consult a healthcare professional to determine the suitable treatment plan.