Exergen Temporal Thermometer Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Alcohol wipe
Open the battery door on the bottom back of the thermometer and see if it holds a 9-volt battery in the compartment. If not, put one in.
Familiarize yourself with all the parts of the thermometer. Remove the protective cap from the head of the thermometer. Clean the lens with an alcohol wipe and allow it five minutes to air dry.
Place the probe on the middle of the forehead between top of the nose and the eyebrows. Press the "Scan" button and hold it down.
Hold the probe flat against the forehead and slowly move it across the forehead. Stop when you reach the hairline on the side of the face.
Listen for a beep and watch for a blinking red light. Let go of the "Scan" button and remove the thermometer from the head.
Read the temperature with the numbers displayed while you look at the display screen . The screen will remain lit for 30 seconds.
Clean the head of the probe with an alcohol wipe and replace the protective cover. Keep stored in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.