The History of Coronary Stents
Coronary Catheter
The first use of a coronary catheter was in 1929 by Doctor Werner Forssmann in Germany. He inserted a catheter in his own antecubital vein and into his right atrium. Dr. Forssmann received a Nobel Prize for this work in 1956. In 1941, Doctors Cournand and Richards used the procedure as a diagnostic tool. They received the Nobel Prize with Forssmann.
In 1974, Andreas Gruentzig tested using balloons on animals to test the procedure to open an artery. In 1977, he performed the first procedure on a patient that was awake.
The FDA approved the first device to clear and hold open an artery on Aug. 3, 1994. It was a stainless steel device placed in the coronary artery to hold it open. Since then they have been a common procedure. Materials and medicines to prevent blockages improved to make them a safe and beneficial advancement to medicine.