How to Naturally Clean Plaque Out of Vertebra Arteries
Consult a doctor. Always talk to a doctor before stopping medications or using natural remedies. This is especially important to anyone who has a risk of heart attack, stroke, or other potentially life-threatening problems. The doctor should monitor anyone who might have a heart attack or other problem when changing the routine.
Lower saturated fat intake. Changing the diet and food intake is important to cleaning out plaque naturally. High saturated fat diets result in the buildup of plaque in the heart. Eat less meat and pay attention to the fat content of foods.
Avoid fried foods. Foods that are fried are high in saturated fats and trans fats. Trans fats are extremely bad for the heart, and result in further damage to the heart over time.
Eat fish. While fish does have fat in it, fish also has omega-3 fatty acids, which are shown to improve heart health over time. According to, fish is an appropriate meat for consumption, though the website suggests limiting other meat intake.
Eat green vegetables. They are high in vitamins and nutrients, but have no fat.
Exercise regularly. Light cardiovascular exercise will improve heart health over time. Always consult a doctor before starting an exercise regiment, and start with very light exercise that gradually increases. Sudden vigorous exercise has a risk for heart attacks in at-risk patients.