What Is Stroke Volume Index?
Stroke volume index measurements can save a life. Stroke volume and stroke volume index provide an early warning system for dangerous conditions in the body. The "Critical Care Nursing Textbook" states, "Stroke volume or index thus becomes the single most important piece of information regarding cardiac function..." The volume of blood the heart pumps out is essential to transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. In healthy adults, stroke volume changes according to activities, such as changing from a sitting or lying down position to standing upright. A heart rate increase will generally cause stroke volume to increase. For example, anxiety and excitement can increase the stroke volume by 50 to 100 percent, while exercise might increase it fivefold. Measurement of stroke volume is an important way to evaluate how well the heart is delivering oxygen to the body's organs and tissues. Abnormalities in stroke volume can indicate inadequate circulation or heart failure.
Normal Measures
A normal stroke volume is 60 to 100 ml/beat. A normal stroke volume index is 33 to 47 ml/beat/m2. A low stroke volume index indicates the blood supply to the body is inadequate. If untreated, a low stroke volume index will lead to life-threatening conditions. By combining the stroke volume measurement with oxygen consumption, doctors determine if a patient's stroke volume is adequate to sustain continued health.
Stroke Volume Changes
When stroke volume increases, it might be due to an increase in the force of the heart muscle or an increase in the volume of circulating blood. When stroke volume decreases, it might indicate heart valve dysfunction or impaired heart contractions, both of which could lead to heart failure. A stroke volume that falls below 50 ml requires immediate medical intervention.
Stroke Volume Index Changes
When stroke volume index increases, it can be due to several factors. Certain medications, like dobutamine, digitalis or dopamine, can cause an increase in stroke volume index. An increase in stroke volume index could indicate a rise in blood volume, a sharp rise in internal body temperature or the early stage of septic shock. When stroke volume index decreases, it might be due to beta-blocker drugs, or it could indicate a heart attack, congestive heart failure or the late stage of septic shock. A stroke volume index below 25 ml requires immediate medical intervention.
Measurement Methods
There are non-invasive and invasive methods for determining stroke volume. A doctor will use invasive methods in the case of sepsis, hypovolemic shock or to evaluate cardiac output in high-risk surgeries and complex medical situations. Non-invasive methods include electric impedance tomography and echocardiography systems. If your doctor determines that evaluating your stroke volume and stroke volume index is important, she will explain the procedure to you.